Donate by Cash, Cheque, or Card

If you donate to Action on Asbestos via JustGiving, Gift Aid is calculated automatically and sent directly to the charity.

Donate with JustGiving.

No paperwork is involved and an extra 25% is added to every donation.

85% of all donations on JustGiving are eligible for Gift Aid, compared to only 43% offline.

Offline Donations

If you prefer not to donate to CAA via JustGiving, you can make a donation by cheque or cash, complete a Gift Aid declaration, and send it to us with your donation. This will allow CAA to claim Gift Aid on your donation from HMRC. This can be handed into our office.

We strongly discourage donors from sending cash donations by post. Please read advice from the Royal Mail if you are thinking about sending cash by post

Registered Office:

Action on Asbestos
245 High Street
G4 0QR

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