Mesothelioma Medical News No 4

Mesothelioma Medical News - Issue 4Click here to download Mesothelioma Medical News No 4 (November 2007), .pdf, 2mb


  1. Mesothelioma: New Possibilities for Treatment
    Dr Robin Rudd, Co-Director, Barts Mesothelioma Research
  2. Research into the Immunological Profiling of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM)
    Dr Zsuzsanna Tabi, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Immunology, Cardiff University
  3. An Introduction to New Developments in the Diagnosis and Tumour Immunobiology of Malignant Mesothelioma
    Dr Charles McSharry, PhD
    Dr M. Ruth Adamson, FRCPath
    Dr Kenneth Anderson, MD, FRCP (Glasgow and Edinburgh)
  4. Diffuse Asbestos-Related Pleural Thickening
    Dr Clive McGavin, MD, FRCP, Chest Physician, Plymouth
  5. Mesothelioma: A Patients Perspective
    Dr A.B.M. Telfer, MB, FRCA, FRCP, Consultant Anaesthetist, Retired
  6. The Legal Position in England as Opposed to Scotland
    Ian McFall, Head of Asbestos Policy, Thompsons Solicitors, Newcastle
  7. The Lived Experience of Pain in Patients with Malignant Mesothelioma
    Dr Libby Ferguson, Marie Curie Hospice, Glasgow
  8. Asbestos Exposure and Lung Cancer
    Dr Clive McGavin, Chest Physician, Plymouth