Posts in the Events category:
From support groups to general meetings to celebrations that make the headlines.
Change of Venue/Memorial
Action on Asbestos is having to change the venue for it’s annual Memorial on Friday 7th July due to there being a concert taking place at Glasgow Green. The venue for the Memorial will now take place on the spare piece of ground opposite the University of Strathclyde (centre for technology & innovation) on George […]
#Kiltwalk2023 registration is open!
#Kiltwalk2023 registration is open! Thanks to our fantastic fundraisers we managed to raise the incredible amount of £8,057 in 2022 from #KiltwalkEdinburgh. In 2023, there is a chance for our amazing supporters to participate in #KiltwalkAberdeen, #kiltwalkdundee, #KiltwalkEdinburgh and #KiltwalkGlasgow. Thank you again to everyone who took part in Edinburgh in 2022 and we look […]
Kiltwalk 2022
“Kiltwalk is unique. Walkers can choose which charity they want to raise money for and Sir Tom Hunter adds 50%*. Every penny raised goes to the chosen charity.
AoA Memorial Day 2022
I am delighted to announce that this year we have been given permission to host our annual memorial, which is in respect of all those who have died from an asbestos related condition. We will lay our memorial wreaths to honour and remember those who have lost their lives through no fault of their own.
WBA Memorial Trophy In Support of Action on Asbestos
Huge thanks to Jethro, Action on Asbestos Trophy and all the family and friends for their continued support and for organising this fantastic fundraiser in memory of William.